Westin and I headed to Arizona for our first airplane trip, out of utero. Westin did fabulous! I couldn't have asked for anything better!
Grandma was so happy to hold her little baby!
Marlee and Sammy came over. Marley daughter Madison was born 1 month after Westin and I couldn't believe how tiny she was.
We obviously have to work on them being friends.
Since Westin loves his baths I was excited to see how he would do in Grandmas sink.
He didn't mind it but he obviously looks uncomfortable!
Loving life, talking to Grandma Pobst
I think it was love at first sight. Westin couldn't take his eyes off him and Logan wanted nothing but the eyes!
It was a staring contest.

I think Westin lost!
Matt and his Dad scheming up something.
The babies of the Pobst Family.
Laughing at Grandma! She is so funny!
Westin loved his Ghost shirt, even if no one understood it.
Great Grandma
Just some fun family shots!
Westin apparently loved being an army guy! Wasn't he so so so cute!